How to Enroll Incoming Students for the Year 1403


We extend our congratulations and best wishes for success to the students accepted in the undergraduate entrance exam of 1403. It is hereby announced that the registration of new students at Qom University of Technology will be conducted in two stages: students are required to complete both stages of registration.

  • Non-attendance registration electronically
  • Submitting original requested documents in the first week upon arrival at the university to the Educational Archives Unit

Therefore, we request that all registration steps be completed thoroughly.

(It is emphasized that registration will be entirely non-attendance and student presence is not required.)

* Students are advised not to delegate their internet registration to cyber cafes and to ensure that they carry out all steps themselves. Please read all explanations carefully.

Qom University of Technology Information Channel:

The official channel ID of Qom University of Technology is available only on the internal messenger "Eitaa" and can be found at the following address.

  • Stage One Registration: Non-attendance registration electronically

Schedule for Non-attendance Registration of Undergraduate Students Admitted in 1403

Fields of Study




Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Polymer Engineering



From 9 AM to 3 PM

Industrial Engineering, Energy Engineering, Materials Science Engineering



From 3 PM to 11 PM

Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering



From 8 AM to 3 PM

Those who missed the registration in all fields



From 3 PM to 11 PM

Before entering the Qom University of Technology website for registration, please scan the items listed below (as these will be required for upload during the registration process).

  • Image of national ID card (front and back)
  • Image of all pages of birth certificate
  • Image of a 4x3 photo with a white background (size 263x649 or smaller, with the photo size approximately 25 kilobytes)
  • Image of the original diploma and pre-university certificate or secondary education transcript (with Education Department seal)
  • Image of the original diploma and pre-university certificate or secondary education transcript (if you received your diploma physically from your high school, otherwise it is not required.)
  • Image of the temporary diploma and pre-university certificate or secondary education transcript
  • Image of Measurement Forms
  • Form number 1 is mandatory for all students. Download
  • Form number 2 is mandatory for all students eligible under region 1 or veterans and martyrs. Download
  • Form number 3 is mandatory for all students eligible under regions 2 and 3. Download
  • Form number 16 is mandatory for foreign students. Download
  • For ambiguous questions related to health monitoring, please contact Ms. Bidabadi at: 02536169000- ext. 442
  • Image of military service completion card or exemption, if available


After scanning all of the above items, complete the relevant forms and visit the address below to perform your online registration. Website address:

Note 1: To enter the online registration system (from the main page of Qom University of Technology), the username, student’s national ID number, and password, which is the applicant's birth certificate number.

Note 2: The national ID number must be entered fully and 10 digits long without hyphens and spaces (if the applicant's national ID starts with a zero, it may not be necessary to include the leading zeros when entering the site; therefore, try both with and without the leading zero). Those whose birth certificate number is the same as their national ID must not enter the leading zeros in the section for birth certificate number.


After entering the online registration system, complete the registration process thoroughly and upload all relevant forms (which you have scanned previously and mentioned in the above explanations) in their appropriate sections and at the end of the online registration on the last page, click the button Register and Submit Documents .

 Additionally, all new students are required to pay an amount of 2,650,000 Rials for educational services upon registration.

Attention foreign students
For the registration process, instead of the birth certificate number, please enter your application number, and instead of the national ID, enter your file number. 


The university's education experts check the submitted information of applicants, and if the electronic registration request is approved, a student ID number will be issued for the applicant. In case of rejection due to deficiencies, the student must re-enter the registration link and complete the deficiencies indicated by the university’s education experts on the last page of the registration (in the comments section) and submit it again. Please note that due to the high workload of the university's education department and the influx of new students, the approval of their online registration requests may take up to two to three working days. Therefore, students can use the same online registration link to track the status of their requests in the following days to see if their request has been approved (and view their student ID as per the sample image below) or if their request has been rejected (for which the reason for rejection or deficiency will be posted in the last step of the online registration by the education department). They should complete it and resend the online registration request.



  Important Reminder : The university itself handles course selection for the first semester. The classes for new students will begin on 1403/07/28.


* To enter the student portal, use the link and enter your student number as the username and your national ID number as the password.


  • Stage Two Registration: Submitting original documents by the student

The student is required to submit the original documents mentioned at the beginning of the explanations on their first day at the university to Mr. Jalodaar in the educational archives.


Attention male students, very important:

All male students must visit the Sekha system for military service matters and register their application for educational exemption. It should be noted that according to the announcement of the General Military Service Organization, students have until 1403/08/30 to apply for their educational exemption. The military service expert will review the requests after the said date, and in case of any issues, will notify students through the military service channel at the address below on the Behtaar messenger. For guidance on how to apply for educational exemption and to view the instructional video, please visit the following channel on Behtaar messenger All new students must join the military service channel at the address below as all announcements and notifications will be made solely through this channel, and failure to join is the responsibility of the student themselves.

 Failure to complete military service matters by 1403/08/30 will result in the cancellation of the student’s registration.

 Note: Students who have a military service completion card or permanent exemption must upload a copy in their registration documents.

Announcement for Student Housing Registration Academic Year ۱۴۰۴-۱۴۰۳ (New Entrants)”

Congratulations and welcome to "new undergraduate students" at Qom University of Technology. It is announced to all new students seeking housing that for registration in the dormitory and room selection, you must submit your application by 2:00 PM on Wednesday, November 1, via the student portal as follows. 

Membership Request and Room Selection Steps:

 1 - Obtain your student number and password to enter the student portal after registration from the university's education department.

2 - Enter the student portal at the address

3 - Select the dormitory affairs option and then request membership in the dormitory, completing, registering, and submitting the relevant forms.

Very important: Please ensure that all forms are completed, registered, and finally submitted with the "Send" option confirmed.

4 - Deposit an amount of 10,000,000 Rials as a down payment (through the student portal - dormitory affairs and then electronic payment for the dormitory).

5 - Approval of membership request by the dormitory expert.

6 - Room allocation by the dormitory expert.

After room allocation by the dormitory expert, the allocated room number will be visible in the student portal under dormitory affairs - dormitory report.

7 - In-person visit to the dormitory expert to receive dormitory cards along with two passport-sized photos.

  • It should be noted that students who have been allocated a room can visit the relevant dormitory during holidays or outside of official hours and later refer to the dormitory administration for obtaining their student ID.
  • The dormitory fee for one academic term for full-time students and competitive candidates is 28,000,000 Rials and for second session, international, guest, transferred, and additional years students it is 48,000,000 Rials.
  • Payment of the 10,000,000 Rials down payment is mandatory to complete the registration process and room selection; the remaining balance must be settled before the final exams.
  • Once registered, there is no option for withdrawal, and the student is obligated to pay the full dormitory fee.
  • Access to the dormitory is only permitted with the presentation of a dormitory card. Therefore, all students must visit the dormitory administration along with two passport-sized photos to receive their dormitory cards before attending the dormitory.
  • It is noteworthy that student dormitories do not have internet service.
  • All students must adhere to the dormitory regulations, and any violations will be addressed according to disciplinary regulations.
  • Female students requesting single-night accommodation must visit the dormitory expert in person to obtain the introduction letter from Qom University of Technology and submit it to the Farabi dormitory supervisors. The supervisors will make decisions regarding the approval and cost of accommodation (thirty-five thousand Rials per night). It should be noted that according to Farabi University regulations, single-night accommodation applicants are allowed to reside one night per week only.
  • Male students requesting single-night accommodation (after the registration of new entrants) will be accepted if there are available vacancies. Each night’s accommodation cost will be ninety thousand Rials.
  • Priority for accommodation will be given to applicants who reside further away from Qom University of Technology.
  • The female dormitory has rooms for 4 and 6 people, and the male dormitory has rooms for 8 people.
  • Address of the female dormitory: Shahid Khodakaram Boulevard, Farabi College Dormitory Complex.             

  • Address of the male dormitory: Mofid Square, beginning of Shahid Karimi Boulevard, Mofid University Dormitory Complex.           

  • If the link does not open, copy it directly into the address bar of your browser (Google Chrome).
  • Dormitory administration expert for males: Mr. Darabi, 02536169000 extension 433, mobile 09396706393
  • Dormitory administration expert for females: Ms. Daneshmandi, 02536169000 extension 432
  • To receive news in the student affairs sector, please join the Student Affairs Department's information channel.          

  • Management of Student Affairs - Department of Student Dormitories


ID: @qut_std   


Wishing you continued success