Duties of the Research and Technology Management Department based on the Comprehensive Management Regulations for Universities and Higher Education, Research, and Technology Institutions, approved in the 684th session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution held on 10/12/1389:
1.    Management and supervision of all research and technology affairs, libraries, and information banks of the institution, in accordance with relevant resolutions, regulations, and bylaws.
2.    Planning and policymaking to enhance and increase the level of scientific and international cooperation.
3.    Prioritizing innovation in theoretical and applied research areas that are needed by the country.
4.  Development, strengthening, and guidance of approved research projects, prioritizing goal-oriented applied research based on the country's Vision Document and the Comprehensive Scientific Map. 
5. Monitoring and control of the research processes of the institution based on the schedule specified in the project plans of approved research and research projects. 
6.  Conducting necessary studies on the evaluation of research activities and the annual performance evaluation of the institution for presentation to the institution's president. 
7. Establishing necessary connections with domestic and international institutions to collaborate on research matters and exchange scientific services. 
8. Cooperating in providing scientific, cultural, and social services, organizing seminars and conferences, and executing all research and service contracts between the institution and other institutions.
9.  collaborating in conducting short-term research courses for non-academic institutions. 
10.  Planning for faculty members to utilize study opportunities both domestically and internationally (including religious and academic research centers) in accordance with approved regulations. 
11.  Preparing the institution's research plan, presenting objectives and determining research priorities in the form of medium-term and long-term plans, and supporting the establishment of incubation centers, entrepreneurship, and science and technology parks for presentation to the specialized research council of the institution. 
12.  Reviewing and evaluating the institution's activities within the framework of the country's growth and development plans based on the objectives of the Vision Document, national development plans, and the Comprehensive Scientific Map of the country in the higher education sector for presentation to the executive board. 
13. Identifying and defining joint scientific and research topics and programs, and planning to provide the necessary facilities and allocate the required funds for scientific and research interaction between the religious and university sectors, and creating a suitable environment for achieving religious and humanities knowledge appropriate to the institution's specialized field.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Specialized Research and Technology Council based on the Comprehensive Management Regulations for Universities and Higher Education, Research and Technology Institutions, approved in the 684th session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution held on 10/12/1389:
1.    Collaborating with the Vice President for Research and Technology to create the conditions for implementing the resolutions and decisions of the executive board.
2.    Providing suggestions in various research areas to the institution's council, including: 
o    Improving conditions and removing obstacles to research within the institution.
o    Coordinating teaching and research time within the institution.
o    Collaborating with the private sector in implementing research projects and determining how to cooperate with research centers inside and outside the institution.
o    Examining how to provide research services to various organizations to meet the needs of the country, region, and province, and how the institution can cooperate with industrial centers.
3.  Collaborating in developing the institution's comprehensive research program. 
4.  Developing and proposing policies, objectives, and guidelines for the institution's research and technology, to be presented to the institution's council. 
5.  Providing the conditions for technology development within the institution and supporting the development of incubation centers, entrepreneurship, and science and technology parks. 
6.  Preparing, developing, and proposing plans for training researchers. 
7.  Examining, developing, and proposing research programs to gain a better understanding of the world of knowledge and utilize the latest research methods. 
8.  Suggesting how faculty members can use research results to improve the quality of education.
9.  preparing and developing various research regulations for submission to relevant authorities. 
10.  Reviewing and commenting on matters referred to the council by the institution's council or the vice president for research. 
11.  Approving the institution's research projects, prioritizing applied research projects. 
12.  Creating material and moral incentives to encourage faculty members to author and translate books and write research papers, and providing the necessary facilities and resources to expedite the publication of scholarly works. 
13.  Proposing regulations for the preparation of scientific and research books based on approved standards to the institution's council. 
14.  Evaluating the scientific capabilities and assessing the employability of the institution's graduates through the implementation of special research projects. 
15  Determining and proposing a general policy for the application of research results to advance the scientific and technical aspects of the country. 
16.  Planning for the appropriate distribution of study opportunities for qualified faculty members.