the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at Universities, and the Holy Shrine of Fatima Masumeh (p.b.h), is committed to holding the National Fatima Sanctuary Festival. This comprehensive initiative aims to honor religious observances and leverage the spiritual influence of the Holy Shrine of Fatima Masumeh(p.b.h) in Iran and the holy city of Qom, with a holistic and religious approach across research, literature, arts, and media, to foster familiarity and engagement among university students.
"The Secretariat of the Festival is located at the Cultural and Social Affairs Department of Qom University of Technology. Participation in the various sections of the festival is centered around the life, virtues, eulogies, and attributes of Hazrat Zahra (p.b.h) and Hazrat Masumeh (p.b.h).
The deadline for registration and submission of works is February 4, 2024, coinciding with the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Masumeh (p.b.h).
Please visit the festival website for more information