According to the university's public relations: Given the necessity for unifying the educational space of the university and properly identifying the various faculties, one of the university's buildings is currently being remodeled and renovated to open as the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the start of the academic year.
Dr. Rezaei Noor stated in this regard: Considering the numerous meetings held with the educational and research vice presidency and the heads of faculties, the shortage of physical space, especially the lack of classrooms in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, was one of the main concerns. With the relocation and modifications made to the internal spaces, all classrooms of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be moved to the new building.
He added: With the addition of six new classrooms to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the three faculties of Engineering, Basic Sciences, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science have been completely separated with distinct entrances, and they will welcome dear students and professors at the start of the academic year.
Additionally, Dr. Rezaei announced that the renovation and equipping of other faculties will take place in the near future.