Attention Students Applying for Welfare Fund Loans in the Second Semester of 98-97

According to circular number 18180/130 dated 10/29/98 from the Student Welfare Fund, it is essential for applicants seeking loans in the second semester of 98-97 to form a file and register their request on the Student Welfare Fund website at from the date of 97/11/06 to 97/11/25, observing the following points and according to the attached process (guide).
  The time to complete the application form for the Alavi Foundation Loan is contingent upon the submission of a salary deduction certificate addressed to the Alavi Foundation, and if other educational conditions are met, it should be done no later than 97/11/20 .(To obtain the form, please refer to student affairs)                                                    
Important notes related to the Welfare Fund loan:
1) Due to budget constraints, priority will be given to those who register their requests within the specified time frame.
2) Browser used
Internet Explorer   (3  Priority will be given to financially disadvantaged students.
4) The final list of requests is submitted by the student affairs specialist at the university, and upon approval and completion of the applicants' documents, it is essential for applicants to follow up on their request approvals with the respective specialist at the university until the final stage.
5) It is essential for students applying for a loan for the first time or in a new level to first register their personal information (form a file) on the mentioned site and after submitting the loan file documents to the student affairs specialist at the university, refer again to the loan application section through phase two on the welfare fund website.
 Required documents:  Copy of birth certificate, national ID card, and student card, along with the original guarantee document (notarized commitment) -Copy of salary slip and employment decree of the guarantor- Bank Commerce account number in the name of the student (for daily students and applicants for the Alavi Foundation loan) and ....
Guarantor conditions: (official or contract employee of the government and retirees, provided that a salary deduction certificate addressed to the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology's Student Welfare Fund is submitted) - The notarized commitment form can be obtained from the forms menu on the Student Welfare Fund website or by visiting the student affairs unit at the university.
6) Approval of any type of loan is conditional upon funding from the Welfare Fund.
7) Approval of requests for loans such as urgent loans, housing deposits for married students, marriage, pilgrimage... is subject to the submission of special documents related to these requests to the university's student affairs.
8) The responsibility for not following up on the accuracy of the loan application process rests with the student.
9) Manual submission of loan requests by university specialists is not possible, therefore only applicants for the Alavi Foundation loan (daily and evening students) can complete the mentioned loan form by providing the salary deduction certificate of the guarantor addressed to the Alavi Foundation no later than 97/11/20 in person at the student affairs office.   
For further information, please contact 3-02536641601 extension 170.