According to the university's public relations office: Dr. Rezaei Nour, the president of Qom University of Technology, commemorated the birth of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) and International Women's Day with a message. The full text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God
Indeed, We have given you al-Kawthar, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him), Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off.
Happy birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah Zahra (PBUH), the mistress of the women of the world, and the week dedicated to honoring the status of women and Mother's Day to the honorable people of Iran, especially to esteemed women.
It is a great joy that at Qom University of Technology, educated and hardworking women are actively contributing alongside men, playing a crucial and fundamental role in the advancement and promotion of the university.
On this great day, I would like to congratulate and appreciate the tireless efforts of the women of Qom University of Technology. I hope that at the onset of the New Year, which is adorned with the name of Lady Zahra (PBUH), we can benefit from the ocean of knowledge and the virtues of the pure and chaste Fatimah (PBUH). I also wish the Almighty God to grant success to the honorable mothers of this land in raising healthy and virtuous children, so that we may witness healthy and vibrant families, a dynamic community, and a proud Iran.