At the outset, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Pour-Reza emphasized the importance of holding brainstorming sessions for professors in universities. He added: Organizing brainstorming sessions, especially for professors in the theology group, is very necessary and essential.
The head of the offices of the representative of the Supreme Leader in the universities of Qom province stated: The main position of free-thinking chairs is in theology classes. If theology classes lack free-thinking chairs, the desired outcomes will not be achieved.
Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Pour-Reza further stated: In line with strengthening the theology group, a monthly dialogue program has been designed that will review specialized theological topics with a fresh and youth-oriented perspective.
Furthermore, Dr. Rezayi Nooreh, while appreciating the efforts of Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the head of the office of the representative of the Supreme Leader, and the professors of the theology group at Qom University of Technology, said: One of the positive characteristics of Qom University of Technology is the presence of young, elite, and revolutionary professors, active and dynamic students, and motivated staff, which has created a very good opportunity for this university.
The President of Qom University of Technology stated: Considering the needs of the province and the potentials of this university, through the planning undertaken for the year 1400, significant scientific, research, and cultural advancements will be made in terms of the number of students, professors, and fields of study at Qom University of Technology.
He recognized the level of scientific expertise of the theology group professors at Qom University of Technology as high, adding that most of the professors in the theology group are either from the fourth level of the seminary or students at this level. He emphasized that holding sessions for enhancing knowledge, increasing education, and brainstorming among professors and staff are among the theological programs of the university.
Dr. Rezayi Nooreh considered the strengthening of free-thinking chairs and the organization of professors in the theology group as future plans of the university to promote this group.
This meeting concluded with the members of this committee visiting various sections of the university.