The president of Qom University of Technology stated: The Islamic Revolution, by providing the necessary infrastructure and expanding universities, has positioned this province as one of the most important centers of scientific activities in the country.
Dr. Jalal Rezaei Noor, in an interview with the IRNA reporter, added: The Islamic Revolution, by focusing on the scientific capacities of Qom and creating new and necessary academic fields, has enabled this province to gain prominence not only in religious and theological sciences but also in various branches of science and technology on both national and international levels.
He further pointed out the favorable academic capacities of this province, saying: On the fortieth anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the universities of Qom can host talented international students, which reflects the increasing prosperity of science in this province.
He added: The acceptance of international students is one of the important tools for promoting Iranian-Islamic culture globally, and the universities in Qom province have a favorable capacity in this regard.
Dr. Rezaei Noor stated: Educating international students at the universities in Qom, in addition to scientific and cultural achievements, also has considerable economic advantages for the province.
He mentioned: The scientific centers of the province, including Qom University of Technology, due to their central location in the country and proximity to the capital, have a good potential to become internationally recognized universities and attract non-Iranian students, especially from neighboring countries.
He continued: Many young individuals from Islamic countries such as Iraq and Syria are interested in studying at the universities of Qom, and this capacity can be utilized to transform Qom into a scientific hub for the Islamic world.
Dr. Rezaei Noor said: By attracting foreign students, the capacity of the universities in the province can be fully utilized, which means attracting a significant number of postgraduate graduates for teaching in Qom's scientific centers and their entry into the job market.
He added: In this regard, Qom University of Technology is fully prepared to attract international students and is also pursuing the establishment of university campuses in neighboring countries.
Qom University of Technology is one of 23 technical universities across the country, with 57 faculty members and 2,000 students studying in 23 undergraduate and graduate programs in technical fields, engineering, electrical, computer sciences, and basic sciences.
Currently, 75,000 students are enrolled in 55 universities and scientific centers in the province.