Congratulations Message from the President of Qom Industrial University on the Occasion of Youth Day

The President of Qom Industrial University  commemorated the blessed birth of Imam Ali Akbar and Youth Day with a message.
The text of Dr. Rezaei Noor's message is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

In the great movement of the Iranian nation, the youth must be at the forefront. For the youth—especially the student youth—indifference and apathy are unacceptable. Supreme Leader, "May His Blessings Be Upon Him."
The pivotal role of the youth of this land in the illustrious history of our country during the turbulent times of the glorious Islamic Revolution, the eight years of Sacred Defense, and today, when the enemy spares no plot or conspiracy, is entirely clear and evident. Our youth were at the forefront in jihad, sacrifice, and martyrdom yesterday and are now fully dedicated to the scientific and research fields in service of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In light of the second step statement of the Revolution issued by the Supreme Leader, His Excellency declared that all policies and programs of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic should focus on utilizing the potential of the youth. In essence, the Supreme Leader's message, "May His Blessings Be Upon Him," regarding solving crises, developing, and elevating our beloved Iran was directed towards the youth. Undoubtedly, this perspective has placed a heavier responsibility on the youth of Islamic Iran.
 I extend my congratulations on the 11th of Sha'ban, the blessed birth of Imam Ali Akbar (PBUH), and Youth Day, and I ask God Almighty for success, prosperity, and even greater flourishing for you, the future builders of the country, on the path of the continuous growth and blossoming of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.