Concurrent with the blessed decade of Fajr, a conference of professors was held at Qom University of Technology.
According to a report by the university's public relations office, a brainstorming session for the professors of Qom Industrial University was held concurrently with the blessed days of the Fajr decade. In this session, Dr. Marjani, a faculty member in the Industrial Engineering Department, evaluated universities in the ranking system (ISC) and assessed the educational and research status of the university within this ranking system. Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Dr. Gorjian, the head of the Islamic University Think Tank, examined the achievements and challenges of life in Western countries. Dr. Jamaleddin Arghavani, a professor at the Sharif University of Technology's Mechanical Engineering Faculty and founder of several knowledge-based companies, discussed the development of technological products and the methods of establishing knowledge-based businesses.