The Commander of the Shahid Akhundi Basij Base at Qom University of Technology has been appointed.

According to the Public Relations Office of the university: During a meeting attended by Lieutenant Colonel Pasdar Hassan Pour, the head of the Basij Organization for Employees of the Ali Ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) Corps, and officials from Qom Polytechnic University, Mr. Mohsen Nasiri has been appointed as the commander of the Martyr Akhondi Basij base of this university for a term of two years.
In a section of his decree, it is stated: It is hoped that with the help and trust in Almighty God, and by considering piety, striving in the way of God, the guidance of the great leader of the Islamic Revolution and the founder of the pure tree of Imam Khomeini's Basij, and the commands of the Supreme Leader of Muslims, Ayatollah Khamenei (may His shadow be exalted), you will be able to organize the presence of Basij members more effectively and take meaningful steps toward enhancing the dynamic nature of the multi-million Basij movement.