The President of Qom University of Technology commemorated the uprising of June 5th and the heartbreaking passing of Imam Khomeini (RA) in a message.

According to the public relations office of the university: Dr. Rezaei Nour, the head of Qom University of Technology, honored the uprising of June 15 and the heartbreaking demise of Imam Khomeini (ra) with a message. The full text of this message is as follows:
While expressing condolences on the occasion of the painful anniversary of the passing of Imam Khomeini (ra), it is undoubtedly the bloody uprising of June 15 that marks a turning point in the formation and victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
Imam Khomeini (ra) is an eternal truth. The Islamic Republic of Iran derives its power and greatness from the name of the great Khomeini.  
 Imam Khomeini (ra) aimed to keep the name of Islam alive; his words were the words of the Quran, and his path was the path of truth and reality. For this reason, other nations, including non-Muslim nations, have regarded the revolutionary teachings of that divine scholar as their means of salvation and have found their freedom and dignity within it.
 On behalf of the academic community of Qom University of Technology, I express my condolences for June 14, the anniversary of the heartbreaking departure of the founder of the sacred Islamic Republic of Iran and the martyrdom of his faithful companions in the bloody uprising of June 15, 1342. I hope that by safeguarding the lofty ideals of the founder of the Islamic Republic and the pure blood of the martyrs, and under the banner of the commands of the Supreme Leader (may his blessing be upon him), we witness even greater elevation of this sacred system and the honor of Islamic Iran.