According to the university's public relations report: Qom University of Technology has undertaken numerous actions in the field of green management and energy consumption reduction, to the extent that it has been recognized as a promoter of green industry among developing universities.
Given the importance of the environment, according to Article 90 of the country's Constitution, the protection of the environment, in which today's generation and future generations must have a growing social life, is considered a public duty. Thus, economic activities and others that lead to environmental pollution or irreversible destruction are prohibited. Additionally, in line with the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology's overall policy aimed at creating third-generation universities (mission-driven and entrepreneur-focused), Qom University of Technology, by assessing the technical and industrial needs of the province, identifying existing gaps in the country, and relying on its own potentials and capabilities, has been mandated to develop environmentally compatible technologies.
In this regard, Dr. Rezai Noor, the president of Qom University of Technology, identified control of thermal, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems through smart automation of the university's boiler houses as one of the university's notable actions in the green management field, adding: Based on consumption time, the temperature is automatically adjusted up or down and turned off on holidays, saving up to 45 percent in energy consumption.
He mentioned the integration of heating and cooling systems using air washer devices in the faculties as another action taken towards green management, stating: This device, considering both cooling and heating (four seasons), is capable of filtering and purifying the air from pollution and increasing humidity, thus reducing energy consumption by up to 40 percent.
Dr. Rezai Noor pointed to the university's significant action in controlling office equipment and utilizing energy-efficient LCD monitors, stating: The installation and implementation of an office automation system, conducting correspondence electronically, including the electronic service desk recently inaugurated by the governor at the university, have moved this university towards the club of paperless electronic universities, where achieving this goal has reduced paper usage by more than 90 percent, also resulting in considerable savings.
He emphasized the importance of raising environmental awareness in society through universities, considering it critical and necessary, and added: We must institutionalize correct energy consumption patterns at the university. In this regard, Qom University of Technology has successfully achieved a top rank in electricity auditing among provincial offices.
The president of Qom University of Technology, highlighting the significance of building mapping in green management, stated: While renovating important areas of the university, installing windows for the use of natural light during the day, using energy-efficient LED lamps instead of SMD lamps, and employing double-glazed windows are among the successful actions of this university in green management.
He pointed out the water scarcity issue, stating: Iran is currently facing serious water problems. Repeated droughts combined with excessive extraction of surface and underground water through hydraulic infrastructure and deep wells have brought the country’s water situation to a critical level. To conserve water consumption at Qom University of Technology, the use of sensor taps, the development of green spaces with drip irrigation, installation of pressure-reducing devices on water taps, and the use of artificial grass instead of natural grass have been implemented.
He continued: In addition to separating dry and wet waste in high-traffic areas of the university and holding waste management training courses, considering the warm and dry climate of Qom province, the design of solar-powered desalination machines equipped with vacuum pumps, nanomaterials, and geothermal energy by Qom University of Technology students has earned second place among 50 projects in the Water, Environment, and Energy Ideas and Projects competition (AMA) at the Sharif University of Technology's Energy Science and Technology Research Institute, with initial measures being taken to implement this project.
Dr. Rezai Noor announced the preparation of a green management vision at this university, emphasizing green management and sustainable development, adding: Installation of solar water heater systems for dormitories and installation of wind turbines are among the university's future actions in utilizing clean technologies and renewable energies.