The Presence of Qom Industrial University at the 24th Exhibition of Research and Technology Achievements, Innovation Market, and the First Job Opportunities Exhibition

 According to the Public Relations Office of the university, the twenty-fourth exhibition of research and technology achievements, along with the first job opportunity exhibition, was held with the presence of Qom University of Technology. At this exhibition, attendees became familiar with the educational and research achievements of Qom University of Technology, including the published books from the university's press, some articles, scientific conferences, student skill training courses, and more.In this exhibition, 16 universities, research institutes, and higher education centers, 6 technology and innovation centers, 3 facilitating organizations, 5 executive agencies, and over 10 technology-based and knowledge-based companies participated.The exhibition of research and technology achievements and the first job opportunity exhibition will be held from 1 PM to 3 PM during the first three days of Azar, from 9 AM to 5 PM at the Islamic Revolution and Sacred Defense Museum.