The Engineer's Day celebration was held at Qom University of Technology.

bf9acc8b247c44c8a4a53739c4f9dbf5 According to the public relations of the university, the Engineer's Day celebration was held at the Shahid Akhundi Conference Hall of Qom University of Technology, in collaboration with student scientific associations. During this celebration, Dr. Rezaei Nour, the president of Qom University of Technology, congratulated everyone on Engineer's Day and emphasized that the most important characteristic of today's engineers is their skill set. He added that the scientific and industrial community of the country has transitioned from a degree-oriented approach to one focused on skill enhancement. For this reason, discussions have taken place to enhance student skills, and we will conduct training courses in collaboration with the provincial technical and vocational organization. Completing these courses can lead to the comprehensive growth and development of students and better prepare them for entering the job market. Dr. Alami, the CEO of the industrial parks company in Qom province, also elaborated on the characteristics of successful engineers in society. Dr. Rasti, the head of the entrepreneurship group and industry relations at the university, shared insights regarding the office's programs and the successes of students in the field of entrepreneurship. Organizing competitions, performing stand-up comedy, and theatrical presentations were among the other segments of this celebration. Additionally, special recognition and appreciation were extended to students who have recently taken on the significant responsibility of motherhood.