Holding the first session of the series on work-life balance at Qom University of Technology

According to the university's public relations, the first meeting in the series on work-life balance was held, taught by Dr. Rezaei Nour, head of Qom University of Technology, with the attendance of the university staff. In this meeting, Dr. Rezaei Nour referenced the remarks of the Supreme Leader, who states: "Wherever you are, make that place the center of the world and be aware that all tasks focus on you." He stated: This statement is one of the significant management teachings that prominent management professors have expressed in various ways. He added: Balance between work and life can be implemented using a golden rule: 34% work and effort, 33% recreation, and 33% rest. However, depending on each individual's living conditions, these numbers are somewhat flexible. Regarding the benefits of achieving balance between work and life, he said: This balance creates physical and mental health for the individual, promotes personal growth, and enhances job satisfaction. Dr. Rezaei Nour, pointing to the culture and lifestyle in other countries, said: "Karoshi" is a Japanese term meaning death from overwork. The Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan has confirmed that karoshi occurs in two forms. The first is death resulting from exhaustion and heart diseases due to excessive work. The second involves suicides, where the main cause is psychological issues arising from excessive work and activities. The second type of karoshi is identifiable when an employee has worked at least 160 hours in a month or has had 100 hours of overtime for three consecutive months.
This meeting concluded with questions from employees regarding increasing productivity and work efficiency while maintaining joy in personal and family life.