According to the public relations office of the university: The first professional development course for staff on employee ethics was held with the presence of staff families in Mashhad Ardehal.
In this course, Dr. Rezaei Nour, the president of Qom University of Technology, while appreciating the efforts of the university staff, assessed a bright future for this university and said: Given my activities at other universities, the staff of Qom University of Technology are very young, caring, motivated, and purposeful, which distinguishes this university from other universities.

He announced the continuous organization of special professional development courses for staff and added: It is hoped that with more empathy and cooperation among staff, we will witness greater growth and flourishing at Qom University of Technology.
Furthermore, Hojjatoleslam and المسلمین Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the head of the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at the university, as the instructor of this course, defined professional ethics. He added: The manifestation of ethics can be seen in behavior and deeds.
The head of the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at the university regarded professional ethics as one of the factors of organizational advancement and added: Increased productivity and efficiency, enhanced self-confidence, fostering a sense of worth, empathy, and synergy among staff are some of the important effects of adhering to ethics in the organization.
Visiting the shrine and martyrdom site of Imamzadeh Sultan Ali ibn Muhammad Baqir (AS), holding Dua Komail and Nudbeh, organizing a staff gathering, and distributing cultural packages were among the other programs of this course.