Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation between Qom University of Technology and the Science and Technology Park of the Province
According to the university’s public relations, in line with the general policies of the Sixth Development Plan in the field of science and technology and the emphasis on the development and commercialization of technology, a cooperation agreement was signed between Qom Industrial University and the Province's Science and Technology Park.Among the provisions of this agreement is the establishment of a joint growth center at Qom Industrial University, the development and promotion of a culture of creativity, technology, and innovation within the university, the introduction and support for the development of technological services and products for the Qom Industrial University community, assistance in the commercialization of technological services and products for the Qom Industrial University community, and support for the application of technical and engineering sciences, especially the rich content available at the university.Among the mutual commitments of this agreement is the utilization of each other’s scientific and research facilities within the framework of the internal regulations of each party, providing a suitable environment for innovators and novel project owners to access the library and software resources of both parties, and the shared use of laboratory and workshop equipment and facilities from both entities.