Start of Registration for Student Loans for the Second Semester of 1402-1401 - Welfare Fund for Students


* Conditions for Students Applying for Loans :

1- It is recommended to carefully study the regulations regarding the payment and repayment of student loans. 

2- Students enrolled in full-time courses who are employed and on scholarship are absolutely not eligible for loans.

3- Only tuition loans are granted to students in second round programs and virtual courses, which will be deposited into the university's account as part of their tuition fee.

4- Master’s and doctoral students registering for loans must not have any overdue installments or late fees from previous levels.

5- Registration in the integrated system of the Student Welfare Fund (Registration in the Integrated System of the Student Welfare Fund)

6- Complete study of general and educational conditions (Data Presentation of General and Educational Conditions)

* Documents Required for Students Applying for Student Loans for the First Time:

1- Student Commitment Document; Review the guarantee conditions and the number of guarantors along with the student commitment document 

2- Submission of the latest employment decree of the guarantor; for a student whose guarantor is employed.

3- Salary deduction certificate for retired and pensioned guarantors (The deduction title should address the Student Welfare Fund of the Ministry of Science)

4- Submission of the student's trade account number (branch code, account number, and IBAN...) for full-time students

5- If applying for essential loans or loans for married students; documentation and evidence must be uploaded to the integrated system of the Student Welfare Fund, including a copy of the purchase invoice, evidence of marital status, a copy of the lease agreement for married students, and other supporting documents for essential loans in (JPEG format and resolution less than 2000 kilobytes) .

* In-person submission of loan documents to the University Welfare Office :

The original notarized commitment document, the original salary deduction certificate of retired guarantors, and the latest employment decree of the guarantor must be submitted to the Welfare Office of Qom University of Technology.

Link to Regulations, Guide to Registering and Uploading the Commitment Document in the Integrated System of the Student Welfare Fund, Data Presentation of Guarantee Conditions, data Presentation of the Student Commitment Document and Blank Commitment Document Form :              

* Table of Types, Amounts, and Registration Schedule for Second Semester Student Loans for the Academic Year 1402-1401                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

* The schedule for the registration of housing deposit loans for married students and essential loans will be announced subsequently.

Address of the Integrated System of the Student Welfare Fund of the Ministry of Science :


Welfare Office of Qom University of Technology