Appointment of a New Assistant for Student Affairs and Culture at Qom University of Technology

According to the university's public relations report: By decree from Dr. Rezai Noor, the President of the university, Dr. Abdolreza Karimi has been appointed as the Vice President for Student and Cultural Affairs at Qom University of Technology.
Part of this decree states: In consideration of your commitment and experiences and in line with the realization of the scientific and cultural goals of the government of Prudence and Hope under the blessings of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic, by virtue of this decree, you are appointed as the "Acting Vice President for Student and Cultural Affairs." It is hoped that in a year designated as the "Support for Iranian Goods," with reliance on the Almighty God and following the wise directives of the Supreme Leader (may his shadow last long), you will be successful and victorious in achieving the university's scientific objectives.
It is noteworthy that during a session, the efforts of Dr. Mohseni, the former Vice President for Student and Cultural Affairs, were recognized and appreciated.