According to a report from the public relations office of the university, the President of Qom University of Technology conveyed a message congratulating the birth of Hazrat Zahra (sa), the beloved daughter of the Noble Prophet of Islam, and Women's Day to the academic community of Qom University of Technology, especially to the esteemed women of the university.
In Dr. Rezaei Noor's message, it is stated:
"Everyone is influenced by their mothers. The one who becomes heavenly derives their heavenly essence from their mother." The supreme leader (may his shadow be prolonged)
The core of the family is shaped by the selfless and affectionate presence of a woman. A family is the foundation of a healthy and vibrant society. In the teachings of Islam, Hazrat Zahra (sa) is the perfect example of a fully capable woman; for this reason, the day of the birth of Hazrat Fatemeh (sa) has been designated to commemorate the status of women.
Undoubtedly, Islamic Iran owes a debt of gratitude to the mothers who, inspired by Hazrat Zahra (sa), raised their children in the teachings of Islam to such an extent that self-sacrifice and martyrdom have become an intrinsic part of the identity of the children of this land. Iranian women, with wisdom and inspiration from Fatemi teachings, have not only preserved the foundation of the family and raised children but have also performed their social roles in the community in the best possible manner, bringing honor to Islamic Iran.
I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on the birth of the esteemed daughter of the Noble Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (sa), and on the birth of Imam Khomeini (ra) to all mothers and esteemed women, especially the hardworking women at Qom University of Technology, and I pray to the Almighty for your health, happiness, and the success in serving your families and our beloved Iran.