The Beta Technology Development Center has been established jointly between Qom University of Technology and the Science and Technology Park.

 According to the public relations office of Qom University of Technology, Dr. Soleimani, the Vice President for Educational and Research Affairs, announced the establishment of the Technology Incubator Center, a joint initiative between Qom University of Technology and the Science and Technology Park. He added that following repeated requests and follow-ups by the President and other officials of the Educational and Research Department regarding the creation of the Technology Incubator Center and its proposal in the specialized technology working group meeting, the issue was presented to the Technology and Innovation Expansion Commission of the Higher Education Expansion Council. Approval was granted to launch the Technology Incubator Center jointly between Qom University of Technology and the Qom Science and Technology Park. The Vice President for Educational and Research Affairs added that the primary mission of incubators is to create a suitable environment for the commercialization of research and technological achievements and to support the development of knowledge-based businesses. The Technology Incubator Center at Qom University of Technology supports the creation and development of new businesses by entrepreneurs through services provided to active startups with innovative ideas in advanced technologies and knowledge- and technology-based economic goals. He noted that incubators are typically established alongside a research or academic center to provide support services for nurturing an innovation or an invention to transform it into an industrial company. Worldwide, it is recognized that incubators are reliable tools for converting innovations and research achievements into commercial products, as well as promoting entrepreneurship and technological development, especially in advanced technologies. He discussed the advantages of establishing a joint Technology Incubator Center between Qom University of Technology and the Science and Technology Park, highlighting the material and spiritual support from the Science and Technology Park, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and the Vice Presidency for Science and Research. Tax and customs exemptions, among others, that apply to the products created in these technology units are among the most significant advantages of the joint Technology Incubator Center between Qom University of Technology and the Science and Technology Park.