The Presence of the President of Qom Industrial University at the Basij Student Volunteer Camp

According to the university's public relations office, Dr. Rezayi Nour, the President, and Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the head of the Supreme Leader's representative office at Qom Industrial University, visited the student volunteer camp of the university located in the Qamroud district. This camp is being held by the Al-Tah Group and the Student Basij in Qom province. At this camp, the volunteers painted one of the underprivileged high schools. Dr. Rezayi Nour and Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ghorbani Mobin joined the volunteers in painting sections of the school. They then held a friendly meeting with the Basij members. In this informal gathering, Dr. Rezayi Nour expressed his condolences for the days of Fatimiyyah, congratulated the volunteers, and spoke about the necessity of strengthening the Basij spirit within the community. He emphasized the importance of scientific enhancement and skills training for the Basij members alongside fostering a jihadist and revolutionary spirit, based on the Supreme Leader's directives concerning jihad and the scientific authority of the country, as well as the need for global civilization building. Furthermore, Dr. Ghorbani Mobin stated that the jihadist spirit of the Basij members is human-building, community-building, and civilization-building. Wherever the Basij spirit prevails, victory and prosperity follow. This was evident in the sacred defense, resistance fronts, missile, nuclear and drone industries, dam construction, and various other fields. This jihadist spirit, coupled with faith and righteous deeds, activates not only material causes but also supernatural means in solving problems. For example, General Soleimani, by strengthening such qualities in the resistance forces, transformed them into the most powerful and astonishing military forces in history. The Basij jihadist spirit cannot be realized without spiritual self-improvement and purification. Basij youth, through purification and self-improvement, can align themselves with role models like Martyr Soleimani and Martyr Zeyn al-Din, and even closer to the martyred Imams of Shia. This friendly meeting concluded with a congregational prayer.