According to the university's public relations: The second workshop for the promotion of knowledge among the staff of Qom University of Technology was held with the presence of their families, organized by the office of the representative of the Supreme Leader at the university in the Ferdous Cultural Complex.
At the beginning of this workshop, Dr. Rezai Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, expressed gratitude to Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ghorbani, the head of the office of the Supreme Leader's representative at the university, for organizing this workshop. He emphasized that in light of the hostile sanctions imposed by the enemy, self-belief is the most important factor for the country's growth. He added: Considering the geographical situation of the country and the existence of mines and natural resources, the Islamic Iran can be very independent and self-sufficient without support and help from other countries. Each individual in society must be aware of their important and fundamental role in the country. At this time, the noble nation of Iran can address the country's problems with unity and self-belief within the country.
He pointed out that all religions are based on ethics and added: If each of us Iranians performs our work and duties with hope and love in the positions we occupy, we have paved the way for the overall progress of the country. Undoubtedly, the growth and flourishing of Qom University of Technology will also be realized through this approach.
Continuing, Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ghorbani, referencing verses from the Holy Quran, said: The true religion of Islam calls on people to live a pure life. Our lives should be based on a virtuous life. In a virtuous life, the believers care for one another.
He examined the positive and negative factors affecting human needs from the perspective of the Holy Quran and stated: Spirituality in the workplace is a new concept that has emerged in recent years in management and work literature in the West, and it is even referred to as a new paradigm. The introduction of concepts such as ethics, truth, belief in God or a higher power, righteousness, conscience, nobility, forgiveness, trust, generosity, kindness, feelings, consideration, the quest for meaning in work, solidarity with colleagues, encouraging colleagues, a sense of peace, harmony, altruism, etc., indicates the emergence of a new paradigm known as the spirituality paradigm, which should receive more attention in our work and social lives.
Mountaineering and holding friendly work meetings were among the other activities in the second workshop for the promotion of knowledge among the staff of Qom University of Technology.