Schedule for Registration of Admitted Students in the Bachelor's Program for the Year 1398

In extending congratulations and wishing success to the students accepted in the National Entrance Exam of 98, it is hereby announced that the registration of new students will take place in two phases. The first phase will be online registration, and the second will be conducted in person. Both phases will be explained in detail below, and it is kindly requested that all items mentioned here be completed, and that the registration process be followed to ensure results.
Phase One: Online Registration:               Online registration period: from  1398/06/28 to 1398/06/30.
1-    Required documents for online registration
Please fill out and scan all the documents and forms listed below.
  • Image of national ID card and birth certificate (all pages)
  • Image of a white background photo 4*3 (size 263*649 or smaller, with the image size approximately 25 kilobytes)
  • Image of the original diploma and pre-university score report (must have been previously received from your school with stamp and signature)
  • Image of the original diploma and pre-university certificate (must have been previously received from your school with stamp and signature. However, male students may not be able to obtain this from their school or it may not be ready, in which case uploading is not required)
  • Image of the temporary diploma and pre-university certificate (must have been previously received from your school with stamp and signature)
  • Image of the original confirmation receipt of the pre-university certificate (all accepted students must visit the government service offices with a copy of their temporary pre-university certificate to request confirmation for the pre-university document and upload the receipt on the site.)
  • Image of the completed personal information form (the form can be obtained from this section Personal Information Form)
  • Image of the completed sports interest form (the form can be obtained from this section Sports Interests Form)
  • Image of the assessment forms filled out as necessary for each individual and uploaded (assessment forms can be obtained from this section Assessment Forms. Form number 1 is mandatory for all students. One of either forms number 4 or 5 must be filled out and uploaded (according to the student’s status). The remaining assessment forms should be filled and uploaded if they align with the applicant's situation.)
  • Image of the military service completion card or exemption, if available
 After scanning all the above items and completing the relevant forms, please visit the below address to complete your online registration.
Website address:    
Note: Based on the decision of the esteemed board of trustees of the university, a fee of 487,190 Rials is to be collected from all newly admitted students (day and evening) for educational services.  Please pay via the student portal  Payment Steps
Note 1: To enter the online registration system, the username is the student's national ID and the password is the applicant's identification number.
Note 2: The national ID must be entered fully and consist of 10 digits without hyphens or spaces (if the applicant’s national ID starts with a zero, it might not be necessary to include the leading zero for entering the site, so try both with and without the leading zero).
After logging into the online registration system, complete all registration steps and upload all relevant forms in your section, then click the final submission key and print your information.
After final submission and sending of registration, an SMS will be sent to the mobile number entered by the applicant.
In the following days, university experts will review the information submitted by the applicants, and if approved, a confirmation SMS regarding the online registration containing the student ID will be sent to the student’s mobile phone. In case of a rejected application, an SMS containing details of the deficiencies in the file or rejection will be sent to the applicant, who must then revisit the online registration link, complete the deficiencies, and submit the information again.
Note: In very rare cases, students may not receive an SMS confirming or denying their online registration or student ID, in which case they can visit the registration link to find out about the confirmation status of their application.
Dear students, if your online registration is confirmed and your student ID has been sent via SMS, you can (if you wish to apply for dormitory accommodation) log into the student portal using your username (student ID) and password (national ID) to apply for dormitory registration. It is important to note that this request is considered a pre-registration, and during the in-person registration period when students visit the university, the final status of their dormitory will be determined based on priorities and the conditions of applicants.
How to Register for Dormitory Matters:
1- Visit the university website
2- Log into the student portal
3- Select the dormitory administration
4- Select dormitory membership
5- Fill out the required forms and after completing each form, click the submission button until all forms are submitted, and finally select the send request button.
The dormitory fee for one academic term is 650,000 Tomans.
After the confirmation of the dormitory expert on the day of in-person registration, an amount of 100,000 Tomans should be paid as a dormitory deposit by all students.
Payment to Shaba number IR680100004001089806377408
Deposit Identifier 968127495100000000014003185366
at the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (payable at all national banks across the country)
(It is noteworthy that this amount is paid only once during the student’s studies and will be refunded at the end of their studies.)

All male students after confirming their online registration and the receipt of their student ID via SMS must log into their student portal and submit their exemption application for study.
Note: Students from other cities who wish to obtain dormitory accommodation can send an SMS with their name and last name to the following numbers: Brothers: 09396706393                Sisters: 09112572320
How to Submit an Exemption Request for Study:
1- Visit the university website
2- Log into the student portal with your new username and password
3- Select the request forms
4- Click on the other requests option
5- Select the exemption request for conscript students, fill out the form completely and carefully, and submit it.
The above steps must be completed before the in-person registration, so please make sure to carry out your online registration accurately and thoroughly in the initial days (of online registration), so that university experts have enough time to check the applicant's registration status so that students can receive their student IDs earlier and complete their dormitory registration and exemption requests which will prevent them from facing issues and deficiencies during the in-person registration process.  
Phase Two: In-Person Registration:
Note: In-person registration is conditional on the final approval of online registration.
  Dear students, please note that all documents you scanned and uploaded in the online registration must be brought in original along with two photocopies (excluding the assessment forms) during the in-person registration. Additionally, six passport photos 4*3 with a white background (with annotations on the back) must be included. In-person registration is strictly limited to the specified times below. Failure to complete in-person registration will be considered as the applicant's withdrawal.

Attention to students who are witnesses and veterans:
Please present your documents and confirm the veteran history form by the end of Mehr 98 to Hojjatoleslam Tavakoli (Student Affairs for Witnesses and Veterans)
Kindly refer to him.
It is important to mention that the consequences of failing to submit the above documents during the in-person registration are the sole responsibility of the student.

The timing for the in-person registration of new students for the academic year 1398 is as follows

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering courses


Civil Engineering and Polymer courses


Electrical Engineering and Energy courses


Computer Science and Physics courses


Note: The wearing of chador is mandatory for female students in the university grounds and affiliated places.