Visit of Research Officials from the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Qom University of Technology

b006c01a4bec4f34a3b8398dc843ea14 According to the public relations office of the university, a group of officials from the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, along with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, visited the Beta Innovation Center of Qom University of Technology. The Head of the Defense Science, Research and Technology Department, and the Deputy for Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps became more familiar with the scientific and research capacities of this university during their visit to the Beta Innovation Center and 14 existing growth hubs at Qom University of Technology. This visit was centered around the plan of scientific jihad, which aims to identify the existing scientific and research capacities at this university to create the conditions for the growth and flourishing of researchers at Qom University of Technology. Initially, discussions were also held regarding potential collaborations on certain research projects during this visit.