
According to the report from the University of Qom's Public Relations: By an order from the President of Qom University of Technology, the head of the Entrepreneurship and Industry Relations Department was appointed.
By an order from Dr. Rezaei Nour, the President of Qom University of Technology, Dr. Roozbeh Rajabi, a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering-Communications and Electronics Department at this university, was appointed as the head of the Entrepreneurship and Industry Relations Department. In part of his decree, it is stated: "It is expected that, while respecting the revolutionary and religious atmosphere of the holy city of Qom, you will utilize your knowledge, skills, and managerial abilities to transform Qom University of Technology into a leading university in industrial and technical sciences."
It is noteworthy that thanks and appreciation were expressed for the efforts of Dr. Javad Rasti, the former head of the Entrepreneurship and Industry Relations Department of the university.