Haj Qassem will not be erased from the hearts of the people of the world.

The president of Qom University of Technology stated: Enemies have used various means to erase the name and thought of Hajj Qasem from the world stage; however, they have not been successful, and today Hajj Qasem has gained global fame, and it is not just easy for them to erase this name from the hearts and minds of the public around the world.

According to the analytical news site "Qom Farda," some figures in the world are so influential that even years after their passing and martyrdom, their name and memory, along with what they left behind, continues to have an impact globally.
Among these figures is Hajj Qasem Soleimani, whose influence still resonates in Iran and the world five years after his martyrdom, to the extent that the expansion of his freedom-seeking ideology has gained momentum among various segments of people worldwide following his death.
Among these segments are students who, in their freedom-seeking movements across the globe, utilize the name and image of Hajj Qasem Soleimani.
On the occasion of the anniversary of Hajj Qasem Soleimani’s martyrdom, we had a conversation with Jalal Rezaei Noor, the president of Qom University of Technology.
Qom Farda: How would you define Hajj Qasem Soleimani?
Rezaei Noor: The character of Hajj Qasem Soleimani encompasses various dimensions, each of which could be discussed and explored for hours. Hajj Qasem Soleimani had a series of positive behavioral traits, including his correct vision and insight.
Qom Farda: How can the character of Hajj Qasem be analyzed in the realm of politics and governance?
Rezaei Noor: Hajj Qasem Soleimani's political view and perception were significantly different and more conscious. Generally speaking, what might be expected from a military officer could be a reliance on a military or militaristic perspective; however, in the case of martyr Hajj Qasem Soleimani, we witnessed that he spent his blessed years with strong political awareness and insight.
What was particularly intriguing for me about Hajj Qasem Soleimani's character was his open political vision, and it can be confidently stated that he transcended mere militarism and military roles to become a great politician, manager, statesman, and analyst, adhering to the definitions accepted by Islam, not those defined by Machiavelli and the dark world of politics.
Hajj Qasem always stood on the right side of history.

Hajj Qasem Soleimani was an Islamic statesman and an ideologically driven individual with opinions and plans. In all disputes and conflicts that occurred on national and international levels, martyr Hajj Qasem Soleimani stood on the right side of history and articulated his thoughts correctly and with profound insight.
Qom Farda: Why is the name of Hajj Qasem still alive among the people?
Rezaei Noor: For this reason, years after the martyrdom of this individual, who is recognized as a military figure, his name and ideology remain vibrant. Had his perspective been solely political, we certainly would not have witnessed this enduring presence.
The memory of Hajj Qasem Soleimani is alive and sustainable in the minds of the public, across various segments of society, and on an international scale for many years; because a person who possesses an ideology and walks the right path continues to have their way, memory, and name persist even after departing from this material world.
Moreover, despite the fact that Hajj Qasem Soleimani was a powerful military leader in the field of hard warfare, he possessed a very humble and down-to-earth character, with a spirit of warmth towards the people. His personality had many attractive traits that captivated the youth whenever they listened intently to his speeches.
Perhaps nowhere in the world will we witness that the words of a soldier today become the ringtone of mobile phones; however, today, more than five years after the martyrdom of Hajj Qasem Soleimani, we see his speeches made into short ringtones, as if what he said was relevant to the events of today. This is not an insignificant phenomenon; it is deeply resonant and intriguing, and will never become repetitive.
Qom Farda: How do you analyze the role of Hajj Qasem and martyr Hajj Qasem among the freedom seekers of the world?
Rezaei Noor: Hajj Qasem Soleimani was a devout Muslim who had a noble human spirit, considering the freedom of all freedom seekers around the globe. The personality traits of Hajj Qasem Soleimani are one of the reasons for the enduring impact of his character and image both in the country and internationally, especially among the youth within freedom-seeking movements worldwide.
The civilization of Iran is one of the oldest human civilizations. When discussing the literature of domination, control, and power, sociologists argue that nations with a historical background and more ancient civilizational spaces hold a greater likelihood of gaining power in the future.
Countries that possessed power and governance during historical civilizations and dominated over others will also hold power in the future, among which is Iran, known for having many commanders and being renowned as a civilized land where other countries and tribes were its tributaries.
If we hold this sociological literature on one side of the issue and the culture of myth-making and hero-worship, which stems from this literature, on the other, we find that amidst a world where ISIS and other superpowers sought proxy wars, suddenly an Iranian commander plays the role of that myth and nullifies all global equations and plans laid out against humanity.
The exalted character of Hajj Qasem prompted the United States to directly act for his assassination.
It is clear that such a myth emerges both domestically and internationally, and his name and memory become eternal. If this impactful and significant individual had not existed, no country, including the United States, with its significant presence and claims, would have sacrificed itself directly to eliminate him; rather, like in the past, they would have utilized their proxies such as the Israeli regime and other terrorist groups to eliminate him.
Qom Farda: Why do enemies even prevent the publication of this impactful figure's image and voice?
Rezaei Noor: When such a figure becomes a myth and stands against all oppression and tyranny, sacrificing himself for humanity and human interests beyond religion and sect, it evokes fear and dread among enemies, even from his photos and name, to the extent that even after five years of his martyrdom, they still fear the publication of his image and name in the media and virtual space.
Enemies are even afraid of his voice and his symbolic representation post-martyrdom, and cannot even bear to see artistic works depicting his face.
For this reason, enemies will even create controversy within and outside the country to divert social and public attention from this influential figure; however, thus far, they have not succeeded, and Hajj Qasem Soleimani has become more recognized by the people and freedom seekers of the world after his martyrdom.
Enemies have employed various means to eliminate the name and memory of Hajj Qasem Soleimani from the world stage; however, they have not succeeded thus far, and today Hajj Qasem Soleimani has gained global recognition that they cannot easily erase this name and ideology from the hearts and minds of the public around the world.
Today, students and freedom seekers carry images of Hajj Qasem as symbols of freedom in their movements, individuals who may have never seen him or recognized him during his lifetime; however, after his martyrdom, his ideology and spirit, along with the truth of the path he traversed, have become clearer to the world.
The movement for freedom and activism around the world has gained more momentum. One incredibly remarkable trend within these movements has been the motivation of the Resistance Front, centering on Iran and revered commanders such as Hajj Qasem Soleimani and martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, among these movements.
The wave of freedom-seeking, which has formed globally, has come to understand and recognize General Soleimani and other commanders of the Resistance Front better than we do here in Iran, accurately identifying their goals and ideologies, and today, by taking inspiration from these commanders, they protest against the injustices occurring in the world.
Qom Farda: How do you evaluate the role of the Resistance Front in freedom-seeking movements?
Rezaei Noor: In recent years, particularly among university students in Western countries and the United States, which has initiated unjust wars against humanity in the region and globally, a wave of awakening has emerged inspired by the Resistance Front.