بيان هيئة رئاسة جامعة قم الصناعية بشأن جريمة الشرطة الأمريكية في قمع الطلاب والأساتذة في الجامعات الأمريكية

 According to the public relations of the university, the Board of Trustees of Qom University of Technology issued a statement supporting the awakening movement of students and free-thinking professors in America, and condemned the violent suppression by the American police against professors and students who support the Palestinian people. The full text of this message is as follows: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Despite all the racial discriminations and inhumane positions of the West; the freedom seekers of the world, especially the professors and students in America, have a strong defense for the oppressed people of Palestine. The university awakening movement in support of the Palestinian people has emerged not only in American universities but also in France, Ireland, and Australia. This movement signifies that the academic community, regardless of their religion and ethnicity worldwide, is aware, insightful, and intelligent, even if they are in countries that superficially boast about civilization and freedom of expression, but in reality, they suppress freedom of expression in any way possible, and with brutal ferocity by their heavily armed police. Qom University of Technology, while supporting the aware professors and students in America and Europe, hopes that according to the wise words of the Supreme Leader (may God prolong his life), the infamous name of Israel will be removed from the Earth as soon as possible, and with the emergence of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), we will witness the establishment of the justice and fairness promised in the pure religion of Islam.