تقدير رئيس جامعة قم الصناعية من البسج الطلابي في هذه الجامعة

According to the public relations of the university: Concurrently with the week and day of Basij, during a meeting, Dr. Rezaie Noor, the president of Qom Industrial University, praised and thanked the scientific, cultural, religious, and political activities of the student Basij at the university.
Dr. Rezaie Noor stated: I am also a Basiji myself and I am familiar with your concerns and problems. Considering the programs and activities that the student Basij of Qom Industrial University has had so far, including the jihad camps of Al-Tah in the country and the province, it is highly notable.
He added: As the Supreme Leader (may his shadows be elevated) stated: Our expectation from Basij is for scientific jihad and the production of knowledge, and to achieve this important goal, you must have a greater effort and endeavor. Of course, with the conclusion of a cooperation memorandum between Qom Industrial University and the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the ground has been better prepared for scientific jihad.

The president of Qom Industrial University added: Basijis have a great responsibility, as they must be active both in knowledge and in action. Basij is not a political organization; it is an inclusive organization that does not belong to any specific faction or current. If Basij is viewed in this light, the culture of Basij will become more widespread.
He said: The bravery and valor of the Basijis during the 8 years of sacred defense and the Basij spirit after the war led to the victory and prosperity of Islamic Iran.
Dr. Rezaie Noor regarded the Basijis as the builders of unconstructed fortresses and added: Having fairness, empathy, collaboration, sacrifice, effort, and altruism instead of selfishness are among the characteristics of Basijis. Undoubtedly, the widespread adoption of these traits in society will lead to the comprehensive development and growth of the country.
Furthermore, Mr. Akbari, the head of the student Basij at Qom Industrial University, while thanking Dr. Rezaie Noor for holding this meeting, said: Basij is a reality similar to legends. Fortunately, at Qom Industrial University, with the presence of active and insightful students, we have a vibrant and dynamic student Basij that is very purposeful and motivated in political, scientific, cultural, and jihad activities. With this approach, the Al-Tah jihad group succeeded in being selected as a top jihad group for three consecutive years at the provincial and national levels.

He added: Our goal is service. We in Basij are seeking political work, not political maneuvering. One of our priorities in Basij is scientific jihad, which, God willing, the scientific and research department of the student Basij at Qom Industrial University has so far fulfilled its commitments to a satisfactory extent by holding the necessary educational and research courses for students.
Mr. Akbari, while noting that the student Basij currently has 16 departments, added: Through the planning undertaken in relation to scientific jihad, Basij has positioned itself as a supportive force alongside scientific societies at the university and assists them in organizing programs and educational courses.
This meeting concluded with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation from Dr. Rezaie Noor, the president of Qom Industrial University, to the members of the student Basij.