The message from the President of Qom University of Technology regarding the inspiring attack of Islamic Iran on the usurping Zionist regime.

According to the public relations office of Qom University of Technology, Dr. Rezaei Nour, the President of Qom University of Technology, expressed his congratulations and commendation for the drone and missile attack on the occupying regime of Jerusalem, which was a response to that regime's aggressions and crimes in Gaza and against the Iranian consulate in Syria. The full text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God, the Avenger of the Oppressed
The Supreme Leader, "May his shadows remain high": Contrary to the foolish desire for power and fortification that the wicked politicians harbored for the Zionist regime, this regime has been getting closer day by day to dissolution and destruction. 1393/08/07
Islamic Iran, which shines like a jewel in the Middle East, has once again demonstrated its power and greatness to the world with the attack of suicide drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles against the usurping and child-killing regime of Israel. This sweet victory serves as a wake-up call to all nations who have become deaf and blind out of fear of America and Israel, believing their interests lie in cooperation with these usurper regimes. Those who remain shamefully silent in the face of human rights abuses saw the unwavering determination of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in their faithful promise.
While honoring the memory of the martyrs who shaped the dignity of Islamic Iran, especially the beloved commander, General Qassem Soleimani, we take pride in the existence of General Hajizadeh and General Salami along with all the great warriors and commanders of Islam who serve sincerely in the Resistance Front, and we declare the full support of the Qom-based Wilayat University for this operation, which was genuinely a sincere promise.
On behalf of this academic community, I, along with the noble and martyr-loving nation of Iran, express pride in this glorious action and implore the Almighty God for the appearance of the Mahdi, the Savior of Humanity (may God hasten his emergence), and for the continued success of the Islamic forces, and the disgrace and humiliation of the enemies of Islam and Muslims.