Message from the President of Qom Industrial University on the Occasion of Student Day

According to the public relations office of the university: Dr. Rezaei Nour, the president of Qom University of Technology, congratulated the scientific and university community of the country, especially dear students, on the anniversary of the epic event of December 7. The full text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God
On the path to the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, it has been proven to everyone that the independence and freedom of our country today is due to the struggle, sacrifice, and selflessness of the youth who, with their blood, shaped the pride, dignity, and power of Islamic Iran.
December 7 signifies the important and vital role of students in the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Students who, with a profound religious and revolutionary insight, chose to struggle against arrogance and oppression over living in humiliation, following the guidance of the great leader of the revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA).
Yesterday's students fulfilled their duty to Iran and the revolution with their martyrdom, and today's students must be the guardians of Iran and the revolution through scientific jihad. In this regard, the Supreme Leader (may his shadow be exalted) states: You must take the matters of science and research seriously in the university environment; without scientific advancement, the country cannot progress. Today, even the enemies of humanity utilize science.
I also extend my congratulations on Student Day to all students across the country, especially the students of Qom University of Technology, and I pray for your greater success from the Almighty God, hoping that with your diligence and effort, we will witness the comprehensive advancement of science and technology in Islamic Iran.
And with God is success