Message from the President of Qom Industrial University on the Occasion of Youth Day and Engineer's Day


According to the Public Relations Office of the University, on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Imam Ali Akbar (AS) and Engineer's Day, Dr. Rezaei Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, issued a message congratulating Youth Day on the 11th of Sha'ban, the anniversary of the birth of Imam Ali Akbar (AS), and Engineer's Day, which commemorates Khwaja Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.

The full text of this message is as follows:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Undoubtedly, the elevation and dynamism of any society depend on the presence of young people who strive and work diligently for the glory of their country. In Islamic Iran, our valiant youth contribute significantly to the progress of Islamic Iran through martyrdom, scientific jihad, boosting production, and by utilizing their commitment, expertise, zeal, self-belief, and faith.
Our youth have shone brightly in the battlefield of scientific and cultural jihad at the universities. In 2023, Islamic Iran ranked 14th in the world for the publication of scientific documents and claimed the top position among Islamic countries. The scientific leap of our youth has been underscored by a focus on moral foundations, and these scientific advancements have brought forth beneficial knowledge that contributes to the growth of humanity.
On this happy occasion, I extend my congratulations and best wishes for Youth Day and Engineer's Day to all the youth and future builders of Islamic Iran, especially to the students of Qom University of Technology. I pray to the Almighty God for the glory, prosperity, and happiness of the youth of Islamic Iran, who are stepping forth on the path of ever-increasing growth and elevation of the sacred Islamic Republic of Iran.