Coinciding with Martyrs' Day.

  According to the public relations office of the university: Concurrent with the anniversary of the martyrdom of General Ali Akhundi and in commemoration of Martyrs' Day, the staff of Martyr Akhundi base at Qom University of Technology met with the esteemed family of this everlasting martyr.
  During this visit, Dr. Rezai Noor, the president of Qom University of Technology, praised the efforts of Dr. Mohammad Sadug Akhundi, the founder of Qom University of Technology, stating: If you study the life story of General Ali Akhundi, you will find that he is one of the prominent martyrs of the revolution who began the struggle against oppression during the Pahlavi era and, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and went to the front lines of the right against the wrong as the war began.
  He added: As Iranians, we must continue the path of the martyrs in every situation and preserve the ideals of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the martyrs. Honoring the esteemed families of these dear ones is one of the responsibilities of the noble nation of Iran.
  Following this, Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the representative of the Supreme Leader's office at Qom University of Technology, referred to a saying from Imam Hadi (AS), who said: Whoever obeys God, will be obeyed, and stated: The martyrs are the continuers of the path of the Imams and this obedience is the secret to the immortality of the martyrs, as they are always remembered and honored by every insightful person wherever they may be.
  Dr. Akhundi, the brother of Martyr General Akhundi, while thanking this meeting, spoke about his brother's characteristics, stating: One of his remarkable and exemplary traits was his unparalleled humility; to the extent that he never spoke of his bravery and command in family gatherings. In his humility, it suffices to say that he always said:
"In any position I find myself, I am still a guardian and ready to carry a rifle on my shoulder."
This meeting concluded with the presentation of a commemorative gift to the esteemed family of Martyr General Ali Akhundi.