According to the university's public relations, the eighth Iran Mathematical Physics Conference was held with 70 participants, 65 papers, and a special guest from Japan in the Shahid Akhoundi Conference Hall at this university. Dr. Soleimani, the educational and research vice president of Qom University of Technology, stated regarding the eighth conference on mathematical physics in Iran: this conference examines the mathematical aspects of physics and engineering problems while developing various mathematical methods to investigate different phenomena in physics. In fact, mathematical physics provides a broad framework for theoretical physics and thus can play a predictive role in addressing issues. He added: Qom University of Technology is the permanent secretariat of this conference, which is held annually by selecting the best papers in the field of mathematical physics through rigorous reviews. The best papers from this conference will also be chosen for publication in the journal Transactions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Dr. Latifi, the scientific secretary of this conference, noted that the academic quality of the papers has significantly increased compared to previous years. More than 20 presenters are faculty members from prominent universities across the country. Additionally, the papers in this conference exhibit greater cohesion on the topic of mathematical physics, whereas in the early years of this conference, the related papers were not focused on mathematical physics, and this conference has created a valuable culture in understanding the concept of mathematical physics in the country. He mentioned that the members of the scientific committee of this conference represent the backbone of mathematical physics in the country, including Dr. Vahidi Neeya from Zanjan University of Advanced Studies, Dr. Behniya from Urmia University, Dr. Foroughi from Isfahan University of Technology, and Dr. Ali Iqbali from Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan. It is worth mentioning that according to the judges, among the submitted posters, Engineer Fatemeh Hosseini Rad was selected as the first place winner, Dr. Elaheh Nahvi Fard as the second place, and Engineer Fatemeh Fasiheani Fard as the third place.