Hojjatoleslam Val-Moslimin Dr. Hosseini, the Director General of the Office for Coordination of the Administrative and Disciplinary Violation Committees of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, held a brainstorming session with the members of the staff disciplinary violation committee and the primary disciplinary committee of the faculty members of Qom Industrial University. In this meeting, Dr. Hosseini emphasized the independence of the committees and added: the rule of law in the process of handling cases is a fundamental principle. He stated that members of the committees must ensure that the reports received and under review are submitted by individuals with a real or legal identity. Furthermore, these reports should be documented and substantiated to enable decisive rulings and necessary actions. In the process of addressing issues, reliance on the law, solid reasons and evidence, as well as preserving dignity and confidentiality are essential requirements in the violation review committees. Dr. Hosseini added: the mission of these committees is to create deterrence and maintain integrity within administrative systems; one of the key duties of these committees is to implement educational programs. By providing relevant training and raising awareness, violations can be significantly reduced.