How to Register Master's Degree Students for the Academic Year 1403


With congratulations and best wishes for success to the students accepted in the Master's entrance exam of 2024, it is hereby announced that the registration of new students at Qom University of Technology will be conducted as follows:

  • The registration is exclusively non-in-person and will be done electronically.

Therefore, please ensure to follow all the steps mentioned below and continue the registration process until you achieve the desired outcome.

Notification Channel  of Qom University of Technology:

The official channel of Qom University of Technology will be published only on the internal messenger "Eitaa"  at the address below.


Step 1: Registration non-in-person electronically:


Schedule for registering non-in-person Master's students for the 2024 intake





From 8 AM to 12 AM

2024/09/08 to 2024/09/10

Saturday to Monday

All fields


Before entering the Qom University of Technology website for registration, please scan the following documents (as these will be needed for uploading during registration).

  • Scanned image of all pages of the birth certificate and national ID card.
  • Scanned image of a 4*3 frontal photo on a white background taken this year (dimensions of 263*649 or smaller, with a photo size of approximately 25 kilobytes).

Note: Non-Iranian students are required to upload identity documents and a six-month residency permit instead of the birth certificate.

Annual leave approval or a written and unconditional agreement from the employer for government employees.

  • A scanned copy of the original bachelor's degree or a scanned copy of the temporary bachelor's certificate, and if the degree is unavailable, the GPA form (Form No. 2).
  • Special form for the average number of credits completed by final-year undergraduate students participating in the 2024 Master's entrance exam.
  • Form to obtain a commitment from candidates graduating on 2024/09/21, who are unable to provide the necessary certificate at the time of registration. (Form No. 3)
  • Scanned copy of the original associate degree certificate or a scanned copy of the temporary associate degree certificate if available.
  • Scanned educational approval for higher education levels from the address
  • Scanned educational approval for bachelor's degree graduates from the Azad University

(Specifically for students who have received their educational certificates with barcodes. Final-year students who have not yet received their certificates should obtain the educational approval after receiving their certificates and submit the approval file to the Admissions and Graduates Affairs Office between 2024/09/15 and 2024/10/11.)

  • Application form for availing free education benefits (Form No. 4).
  • Scanned images of the assessment forms according to each individual's needs and requirements should be filled out and uploaded.
  • Scanned image of the military service completion card or exemptions if available.
  • To receive educational approval for higher education electronically, it is possible through the education certificate inquiry system at
  • Students uploading their certificates must also provide the approved transcripts for GPA verification.

Uploading Form No  4 is mandatory for all students daily. The other assessment forms should only be completed and uploaded if they match the applicant's situation)

 Electronic payment of registration fees for new students during the registration process.

After scanning all the above documents and filling the relevant forms, please visit the address below to complete your online registration.

Website address    


Note 1: To enter the online registration system, use the username, national ID, and the password, which is the applicant's birth certificate number.

Note 2: The national ID must be entered completely and as a 10-digit number without dashes or spaces (if the national ID and the applicant's birth certificate number start with zero, register your username with zero and your password without zero; check various scenarios if it does not work).

After entering the online registration system, please complete the registration steps thoroughly and upload all relevant forms (that you have scanned and referenced above) in your section and click send at the end of the online registration section.

After sending the online registration, an SMS will be sent to the student's mobile number entered. (provided that your SMS advertising system is active).

In the following days, the university's esteemed education experts will review the submitted information, and if the student's registration request is approved, an SMS containing the student number will be sent to the student's mobile. If the request is rejected, an SMS indicating the deficiencies in the file or rejection will be sent to the applicant, who must re-visit the online registration link to complete and resend their deficiencies. Students who do not receive their student number can view their student number in the online registration link after their request has been approved by the university. Therefore, esteemed applicants should not worry about not receiving an SMS.


Attention: If you do not click the submit option for review (the last step after final approval), the request will not be sent to the graduate school expert, and thus the registration will not be completed.


Attention: In case of any deficiencies in the registration request, the request will be returned, and the student must rectify the deficiencies and resend the request. (If the student does not have a bachelor's degree (or an associate degree if available) and the GPA form with the student's stamp and signature, the registration request will definitely be rejected.)

All male students should visit the system for military service matters and apply for educational exemption; it should be noted that until 2024/11/21, all eligible male students must take action for their educational exemption.
For guidance: To see how to apply for educational exemption and view instructional videos, please visit the following channel on the Beep messenger .


 If military duties are not completed by 2024/11/21, the student's registration will be canceled.


 Note: Students with a military service completion card or permanent exemption must upload a scanned copy of it in their registration documents.


  • Students are required to submit their original educational documents to the Admissions and Graduates Affairs Office between 2024/09/15 and 2024/10/11.


  • Important Note: The university will handle the course selection for new incoming students. Therefore, students can view their selected courses on the student portal (the ERP system in the stabilization form section).



                                                                      Wishing you continued success

Master's Registration Forms