According to the public relations of the university, the head of the representation of the Supreme Leader at Qom University of Technology reported on the enthusiasm and devotion of the Hosseini spirit at the university students' tent hosted by Qom University of Technology. Dr. Ghorbani Mobin stated regarding the status of the students' tent in Qom: This year marks the third year that, thanks to Almighty God and the assistance of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), the Al-Ma'soumeh Al-Karima Tent of the university students in Qom is being prepared to serve the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) with the cooperation and unity of faculty members, staff, students, and benefactors. Last year, the tent was established in two levels, one level dedicated to women and one level for men, with a daily capacity of 600 people in Karbala. However, this year, the tent will accommodate 1,500 pilgrims daily over four levels for a duration of ten days. Dr. Ghorbani Mobin added: God willing, as per the planned arrangements, this year's Al-Ma'soumeh Al-Karima Tent for university students in Qom will be held with richer and more distinct physical space as well as cultural and religious programs. Considering the fundamental issues of the restroom facilities, the board of trustees of the tent has agreed to repair them to the extent possible. During an initial trip, the officials of the tent organized several meetings with the Iraqi landowner of the tent and Al-Mustafa International University, resulting in essential repairs to the restroom facilities. These repairs will be funded by Al-Mustafa University with collaboration from the tent's caretakers, who are technical and executive staff from universities in Qom. It is noteworthy that each level contains eight restroom and bathing units. Currently, demolition and debris removal have been carried out, and essential reconstructions have been coordinated with an Iraqi contractor, facilitated by Al-Mustafa University, reaching the final stage of repairs. The head of the Supreme Leader's representation at Qom University of Technology regarding the funding of the tent stated: Considering the budget constraints of the universities in the province and even the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the tent is managed by the people, and each pilgrim we serve contributes as much as they can. Of course, these caretakers are very cautious in spending the people's donations and assistance. Hojjatoleslam Dr. Ghorbani Mobin added: Based on the experiences gained from previous years, God willing, this year's tent programs will be expanded. In addition to accommodation, hospitality, and health services, we will also provide cultural services in a more specialized manner. We have held numerous meetings with the offices of the Supreme Leader's representation in Qom universities and the Student Basij to organize the tent’s programs. Faculty members and staff have also expressed readiness for security, infrastructure, orderkeeping, and serving the pilgrims. Some university presidents and officials from the universities in Qom province are providing the necessary support as the board of trustees of the tent. Among the cultural programs of this tent are the continuous holding of congregational prayers, lectures, mourning sessions, Arbaeen recitations, Q&A sessions, face-to-face advertisements, Arbaeen story-telling, and more. Dr. Ghorbani Mobin mentioned regarding the timing of the tent's establishment: Every year, the tent has provided services to pilgrims for ten days, but last year we saw that all tents were quickly dismantled after Arbaeen. Therefore, we decided to set up the tent seven days before Arbaeen and continue until the day after Arbaeen. The Al-Ma'soumeh Al-Karima Tent of the university students in Qom is established in the holy city of Karbala, on Shohada Street, Tayq Al-Hur, at the circle of the Husayniya Latharat al-Hussein.