The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics and Computational Sciences of Qom University of Technology has been indexed in Scopus.


According to the university's public relations office, the international quarterly journal of Mathematics and Computational Sciences at Qom University has been listed in the SCOPUS citation database. The International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Sciences (MCS) is an open-access journal aimed at presenting the latest scientific and research achievements in the fields of mathematics and computational sciences. It is worth mentioning that this journal has previously been indexed in the DOAJ, ISC databases, and the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, and it has an international editorial board. This quarterly publishes articles in the fields of mathematical and computational sciences, mathematical physics, computational chemistry, and mechanics after a rigorous peer review process. The Journal of Mathematics and Computational Sciences is published by Qom University, and its review process is anonymous. The editor-in-chief of this publication is Dr. Hossein Jafari, with Dr. Mohammad Hadi Meshkat Al-Sadat as the managing director, Dr. Mehdi Soleimani as the specialized secretary, and Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali Al Omrani Nejad as the executive manager. It is noteworthy that Scopus was launched in late 2004 by Elsevier, a Dutch publisher, and quickly became one of the most prestigious international databases for information and citation. All journals in the Scopus citation database are peer-reviewed and classified into four main scientific fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. This list is published annually at the beginning of the new calendar year. The quality of all journals available in the Scopus database is assessed yearly using metrics such as SJR and h-index. This assessment is published by the SCImago Foundation. One noteworthy point is that the indexing of Qom University’s journal in this prestigious citation database further brands the name of Qom University and its publications internationally. The public relations office of Qom University congratulates the editor-in-chief, managing director, executive manager, editorial board, and all members of Qom University on this valuable achievement.