The president of Qom University of Technology expressed condolences in a message regarding the martyrdom of several pilgrims on their way to the Martyrs' Cemetery in Kerman.

According to the university's public relations, Dr. Rezai Nour expressed condolences for the martyrdom of several pilgrims on the path to the Martyrs' Cemetery in Kerman on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Haj Qasem Soleimani. The text of this message is as follows:
Indeed, we belong to God and indeed to Him we shall return
And they planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. • Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and He is Acceptor of Repentance (Surah Ibrahim, Verses 46 and 47)
They exerted all their cunning and deception; however, all their schemes and plots are clear and ineffective in the eyes of God, even if their plotting were such that mountains would be uprooted. For indeed, God is Mighty and the Avenger.

The tragic and bitter incident of the martyrdom of a group of our dear people on the path to the Martyrs' Cemetery in Kerman, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Haj Qasem Soleimani, once again revealed the hatred and animosity of the mercenaries and enemies of Islam, as well as the righteousness and victimization of the noble Iranian nation to the world.
Cutting the hands of colonialists from neighboring countries wisely orchestrated by the commander of hearts has not diminished the fear and terror of the enemies even after four years since the martyrdom of this great man. On the other hand, the unity and solidarity of the free people of the world with the defenseless people of Palestine and the victory of the resistance front over the usurping Zionist regime have ignited the anger of the dark-hearted and have led to the assassination of the senior commander of the Islamic world, Seyyed Razi.
 Today, the enemy, in a state of disbelief and despair, is slaughtering innocent people whose crime is being raised in the path of the pure Islam of Muhammad and the teachings of Imam Khomeini (RA)  and following the path of the beloved martyr Haj Qasem and other martyrs. Our sworn enemies should understand that with all the assassinations, threats, and sanctions, the proud nation of Islamic Iran, under the leadership of the Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei (may God protect him), will not abandon the lofty ideals of the sacred Islamic Republic until their last breath and will fight for the independence, freedom, and dear Islamic Republic of Iran.
The university community loyal to the velayat and the industrial city of Qom, while condemning this terrorist incident, expresses condolences to the Supreme Leader (may his blessings be upon him), the noble people of Islamic Iran, and the esteemed families of the martyrs for the martyrdom of a group of fellow citizens in the Martyrs' Cemetery of Kerman and requests urgent healing for the injured from the Almighty God.