According to the university's public relations, Dr. Rezaei Nour commemorated the 22nd of Esfand as the Day of Remembrance for Martyrs. The full text of this message is as follows:
Keeping alive the memory of the martyrs of the revolution ensures the continuation of the revolutionary movement. Supreme Leader (may his blessings be upon him)
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The power, dignity, and greatness of Islamic Iran are owed to the bravery of martyrs who, through their self-sacrifice and devotion of their lives and possessions, have secured every inch of this sacred land of Iran, achieving the highest position before Almighty God and ensuring their names are immortalized in history.
Today, Islamic Iran stands proudly at the heights of scientific, technological, research, and cultural fields, owing to the blood of martyrs. Undoubtedly, the academic community has a critical responsibility today, which is to defend the essence of this ancient land with scientific endeavor and promote authentic Iranian and Islamic culture with unwavering commitment.
On behalf of the professors, staff, and students of Qom University of Technology, I honor the memory, name, and spirit of all revered martyrs of the holy system of the Islamic Republic on the anniversary of Martyrs' Commemoration and pay my respects to all the esteemed families of these individuals.