The President of Qom Industrial University expressed condolences on the passing of the mother of Hojjatoleslam wal Muslimin Zolnoor in a message.

According to the university's public relations report: Dr. Rezai Noor has sent a message of condolence for the passing of the mother of Hojjatoleslam Valmoslemin Zolnour. The full text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your due rewards on the Day of Resurrection.
Hojjatoleslam Valmoslemin Mr. Zolnour (may his honor increase)
Esteemed representative of the noble and loyal people of Qom province in the Islamic Consultative Assembly
With great sorrow and grief, I extend my condolences for the passing of your esteemed mother to you and your respected family, and I ask the Almighty God to grant her ample mercy and to bestow patience and health upon the bereaved.