President of Qom University: The impeachment of the Minister of Science will undermine the tranquility and progress of the country's scientific movement and will harm the drivers of strengthening the economy and national production.

Dr. Razavi Nour, regarding the motion of no confidence against the Minister of Science, Research, and Technology, said: Given the current conditions of the country and the recent recommendations of the Supreme Leader (may his majesty be exalted) urging political currents to be vigilant not to prepare the grounds for the enemy, he emphasized that today we must be alert and take into account the recent counsel of the wise leader of the revolution, noting that our most important duty is to strive to strengthen the country’s economy and domestic production. This effort will bear fruit by focusing on self-sufficiency and resilient economy, and the cohesive presence of elites and the enhancement of feelings of stability, security, and tranquility in the country’s scientific community are essential.
He said: Unfortunately, in recent times, we have witnessed controversies regarding the performance of the Ministry of Science and the esteemed Minister, which aggravating these controversies and the motion of no confidence against the Minister of Science puts the serenity of the scientific community at risk.
The President of Qom Industrial University stated: Of course, the no-confidence motion is the right of esteemed representatives, but the question is whether, in the current sensitive situation, our most important duty and focus should be on this issue? Is there no possibility of using less confrontational methods of interaction and dialogue for resolving ambiguities and transferring viewpoints, without resorting to destabilizing approaches like a no-confidence motion? Today, it is rare to find a caring and informed individual who does not recognize the unparalleled performance of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in recent years as a testament to the efficiency, capability, and alertness of the entity led by the esteemed Minister of Science.
Enhancing the quantitative and qualitative aspects of educational and research activities, including support for science and technology parks, growth and innovation centers, and knowledge-based companies that have created employment, entrepreneurship, and the production of over three thousand new products, are among the important dimensions of this ministry’s performance.
Dr. Razavi Nour added: The production of knowledge and scientific jihad has seen remarkable growth in recent years, as evidenced by international ranking systems such as Times, Leiden, QS, and Shanghai.
He emphasized: The pursuit of implementing smoke-free university programs, improving student welfare services, and collaborating and consulting for the development of a foundation for benefactors of science and technology reflects the wisdom and management of the specialized team of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
The President of Qom Industrial University regarded Dr. Gholami as an outstanding, revolutionary, and efficient professor, and a hardworking, intelligent, and prudent minister. He added: If there are any existing problems, which is natural, we should not let ourselves overlook the significant achievements and the reform of processes and methods in recent years, thus creating unease and discouragement within the scientific community. In my perspective, the academic community expects the relevant officials to support this ministry more and strive to strengthen the current approach rather than pursuing a no-confidence motion and creating disorder.
Dr. Razavi Nour, referring to the ceremony commemorating Student Day at Qom Industrial University, with the presence of Dr. Amir Abadi Farahani, member of the board of directors and representative of the people of Qom in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said: On behalf of this academic community, I urged Dr. Amir Abadi to maintain stability and tranquility while refraining from raising issues related to the no-confidence motion against the Minister of Science, Research, and Technology, and thankfully he also expressed supportive views regarding the necessity of progress and the feeling of security in the academic atmosphere of the country.
I hope all esteemed officials, particularly the alert representatives of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, recognize the remarkable and documented performance of the Ministry of Science in recent years and focus on strengthening the national economy, domestic production, and employment, while not losing sight of the fact that unrest and disorder in the scientific community is counterproductive in this regard. In my opinion, vigilance and insight require focusing on priorities and important matters and avoiding side issues like a no-confidence motion, allowing discussions and consultations to take place through non-confrontational channels.