Invitation from the President of Qom University of Technology for a Heroic Participation of the Academic Community in the February 11 Anniversary Rally

According to the Public Relations of the university, Dr. Jalal Rezaei Noor, the president of Qom University of Technology, in anticipation of the forty-fourth anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, has issued a message inviting the revolutionary people of Iran to participate heroically in the 22nd of Bahman rally.
The text of the message is as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The blessed decade of the Fajr brought independence, freedom, and the Islamic Republic to the noble and martyr-borne nation of Iran. In fact, the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution resonated with the spirit of freedom and the desire for independence not only in Iran but also in other countries.
The noble people of Iran, on the verge of the forty-fourth anniversary of the glorious Islamic Revolution, as in previous years, will demonstrate their coherent presence, unity, and solidarity to their enemies with the central slogan "Steadfast Iran, 44 Years of Honor."
I invite all people, especially the academic community, to once again show their heroic, revolutionary, and insightful presence in the 22nd of Bahman ceremony, reaffirming the dignity and power of Islamic Iran while renewing their allegiance to the ideals of the Founder of the Revolution (RA), the esteemed martyrs, and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution.