According to the public relations of the university, Qom University of Technology has joined the research and technology fund of the province (Khorasan) by purchasing a portion of its shares.This fund was established in 2014 to create opportunities for participation and investment by the private sector and to provide quantitative and qualitative support for research, applied, and development activities, as well as offering special financial services to entrepreneurs and innovators.Currently, the capital of this fund is three hundred billion rials, and Qom University of Technology has joined this research and technology fund by purchasing (3.33) of its shares.Given the mission of Qom University of Technology, its membership in this fund allows it to have a more significant role in the technology ecosystem of the province and to receive special support in the development of top technology companies in the region.This fund helps the growth of this sector in the province by offering loans at a rate of 4-12%, undertaking venture capital investments, and providing financial guarantees for innovators, technology companies, and knowledge-based firms. It is worth mentioning that the amount of loans for knowledge-based companies can reach up to ten billion rials and for technology companies up to two billion rials. The level of support from this fund also depends on the outcome of credit assessments and the activities of the company in technical, engineering, and marketing fields. With its membership in this fund, Qom University of Technology will also assist the innovators and entrepreneurs of the province in this journey.Given that the university's innovation center is evolving into an incubator, the accepted units in this center will be recognized as technology units and will receive the aforementioned support.Among the shareholders of the Khorasan fund are Qom University of Technology, Qom University, Science and Technology Park, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Iranians Institute, Future Savings Company, Salafjan Drug Treatment Company, andPars Silicon Company.