According to the public relations office of the university: The academic community of Qom University of Technology, in unison with the noble people of the city of knowledge and jurisprudence, began the Global Quds Day march from the Astaneh Square towards the Quds Prayer Hall, the place of Friday prayers.
Officials, faculty, and students of Qom University of Technology moved towards the Astaneh Square from ten different routes and gathered at this location.
During today's Quds Day march, the academic community of Qom University of Technology joined with a special and indescribable fervor alongside esteemed religious authorities, scholars, professors, students, seminary students, officials, and more.
The Qom University community expressed their disdain for the crimes and continued occupation by the Zionist regime, once again raising their voices in defense of the oppressed and against tyranny and despotism.
Participants, holding images of Imam Khomeini (RA), the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, as well as placards in support of the oppressed people of Palestine and expressing their disdain for the leaders of imperialism, shouted slogans including "Death to America," "Death to Israel," "O Freedom Leader, we are ready," "The blood that runs in our veins is a gift to our leader," "O Muslims, unite, unite," "Khamenei is the leader of Muslims, the heir and pride of the believers," and "We are the followers of Haidari, devoted to our leadership," demanding an end to the occupation of Palestinian lands.
At this rally, people gathered at the Quds Prayer Hall in the holy city of Qom and, after reading the resolution and a speech by Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mohammad Hassan Akhtari, Secretary General of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), participated in the weekly political prayer service led by Ayatollah Arafi, the head of the seminaries of the country.