According to the university's public relations, the first meeting of the University of Qom's Cultural Group was held in the first semester of the academic year 1403-1402. During this meeting, Dr. Rezaei Nour honored the week of Basij and expressed condolences on the occasion of Fatimiah, while appreciating the efforts and hard work of the professors in the Cultural Group. He added: The Jihad of clarification, which is emphasized by the Supreme Leader, must always be regarded by the professors of the Cultural Group in the university's classes.
Continuing the session, Hojjat al-Islam and Muslims Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the Representative of the Supreme Leader at the university, urged the professors of the Cultural Group to play an important role in creating a healthy environment and fostering spirit and enthusiasm among students by organizing free-thinking forums in their classes.
He added: Organizing free speech platforms in the university courtyard can effectively address the unanswered questions in the minds of students and help eliminate further doubts. Hojjat al-Islam and Muslims Dr. Ghorbani Mobin stated: The professors of the Cultural Group, by visiting student dormitories, can fulfill their mission as educators and establish a closer and more friendly relationship with students. He considered the use of innovative and diverse teaching methods, including clips and motion graphics, to be very important and added: Given the expansion of virtual space, these matters hold greater appeal for students.
Continuing the session, Hojjat al-Islam and Muslims Dr. Omidian, the head of the Cultural Group, addressed the educational issues of this group and requested professors to enhance the role of students in the classrooms to achieve better outcomes from the lessons. He regarded the students of this university as among the most talented in the country and added: According to the directives of the Supreme Leader, the issue of student nurturing and the involvement of professors with students is emphasized prior to their influence in the external environment of the university. This session concluded with the expression of viewpoints, suggestions, and critiques from the professors of the Cultural Group.