Schedule for the Registration of Admitted Students for the Master's Program for the Year 1397

Schedule for Registration of Accepted Students for the Master's Degree in 1397
Congratulations and best wishes to the students accepted in the national entrance examination for the Master's degree of 97. It is hereby announced that the registration of new students will occur in two phases. The first phase consists of online registration, and the second will be conducted in person. Both phases will be explained in detail below; therefore, please ensure that all items mentioned are completed and follow the registration process until the results are obtained.

Online Registration Schedule







From Friday to


Mechanical Engineering (all branches), Industrial Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Civil Engineering (all branches), Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering

(all branches), Applied Mathematics


In-Person Registration Schedule






Mechanical Engineering (all branches), Industrial Engineering



Electrical Engineering (all branches), Applied Mathematics



Polymer Engineering and Civil Engineering (all branches), Computer Engineering

Phase One: Online Registration:
1-    Required Documents for Online Registration
Please complete and scan all the following documents and forms: 
  • A scanned copy of all pages of your identification card and national ID.
  • A scanned passport-sized photo (4x3) with a white background, taken this year (around 263x649 pixels or less, with a file size of about 25 kilobytes)
  • A scanned copy of the original Bachelor's degree certificate or a temporary Bachelor's certificate; if you do not have a degree, please provide Form 2 and Form 3 (Graduation Commitment Form) and the 40th page of the first brochure.
  • A scanned copy of the original Associate's degree certificate or a temporary Associate's certificate, if you have it.
  • A scanned form for assessments according to each individual's needs (You can obtain the assessment forms from this link Assessment Forms . Form 4 is mandatory for all day students and needs to be uploaded. Other assessment forms should be filled out and uploaded if they correspond to the applicant's situation.)
  • A scanned copy of military service completion or exemption documents, if available.
  • A scanned completed identification form (You can download the form from this link Identification Form).
  • A scanned completed sports interest form (You can download the form from this link Sports Interest Form).
 After scanning all the above documents and completing the relevant forms, please visit the address below and complete your online registration.
Website address:    
 Note 1: To enter the online registration system, you will need your username, national ID code, and password (which is your identification code).
Note 2: The national ID should be entered completely and as a 10-digit number, without hyphens or spaces (if the applicant's national ID starts with a zero, it may be unnecessary to include the leading zero to enter the site. Therefore, applicants are kindly advised to try both with and without the zero).
 Once you have entered the online registration system, complete the registration steps thoroughly and upload all relevant forms in your section. Finally, click the submit button and print your information.
 After final submission and sending your registration, a confirmation SMS will be sent to the mobile number provided by the applicant.
In the following days, university experts will review the information submitted by the applicants, and if approved, a confirmation SMS will be sent to the student's mobile number containing their student number. If the request is rejected, an SMS indicating deficiencies in the file or rejection will be sent to the applicant, who must revisit the online registration link to complete and resubmit the deficiencies.
 Attention: In very rare cases, a student may not receive a confirmation SMS regarding their online registration or the student code. In these cases, the student can visit the registration link to find out the status of their request.
 Dear students, if your online registration is confirmed and the student code is SMSed to you, you can log into the student portal with your student number and national ID to register for housing. Please note that this request is considered a pre-registration, and the final status of their housing will be determined based on the priority and conditions of the applicants during the in-person registration when students visit the university.
 Procedure for Housing Registration:
1- Visit the university website
2- Log into the student portal
3- Select the Housing Department
4- Choose the dormitory membership option
5- Fill out the necessary forms, and after completing each form, click the register button to finish the forms and select the submit request button at the end.
The cost of housing for one academic semester is 600,000 Toman.
The deposit amount for housing for all students is 100,000 Toman (Note that this amount is paid only once during the student's studies and will be returned to the student at the end of their studies.)
 All male students must log into their student portal after their online registration is confirmed and the student code is SMSed to them to submit their exemption request from studies.
 Procedure for submitting an exemption request from studies: 
1- Visit the university website
2- Log into the student portal
3- Select the request forms
4- Click on the "Other Requests" option
5- Choose the "Exemption from Studies for Eligible Students" option and fill out and submit the form carefully.
 All of the above steps must be completed before the in-person registration of the applicants. Therefore, please ensure that you complete your online registration accurately and fully in the initial days to give university experts enough time to review the registration status. This way, students can receive their student code earlier and arrange for their housing and exemption requests without facing issues and deficiencies during the in-person registration.
Note: Exceptional students only have in-person registration. 
 Phase Two: In-Person Registration:
   After online registration, the original documents as described above must be presented for verification and final approval of registration on the day of in-person registration (according to the announced schedule).
Bring the original documents along with four copies at the time of in-person registration. Additionally, 12 passport-sized photos with a white background and written identification on the back should be included. Moreover, students should bring their complete address along with the postal code or university mailbox for their Bachelor's and Associate's degree (if existing).
In-person registration can only be conducted during the specified time mentioned below. Failure to register in person will be considered as withdrawal by the applicant. It should be noted that the responsibility for the consequences of not providing the above documents during in-person registration lies with the student.
Attention: Wearing the hijab is required for female students in the university premises and affiliated locations.