The first brainstorming session of the professors at Qom University of Technology in the new academic year.


According to the university's public relations, the first brainstorming session for faculty in the new academic year was held with the presence of the board of directors and the university's professors. At the beginning of this meeting, Dr. Rezaei Nour, the university president, congratulated the commencement of the new academic year and discussed the results of the university assessment conducted by the Ministry of Science. Subsequently, Dr. Marjani, the director of monitoring and evaluation at the university, presented a report on the achievement of the university's strategic plan and the actions taken to develop a new strategic plan. Additionally, Hojjatoleslam Valmoslemin Dr. Ghorbani Mobin, the representative of the Supreme Leader at the university, emphasized the importance of criticism in fostering a community and the etiquette and methods of expressing it.