Message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the occasion of the National Day of February 11

According to the Public Relations of Qom University of Technology, Dr. Jalal Rezaei Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, congratulated the anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. In a message, he urged the family of Qom University of Technology and all members of the larger academic family of the country to participate in the epic and united march on the 22nd of Bahman, reaffirming their loyalty to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the principles of Imam Khomeini (RA).

The full text of this message is as follows:

The commemoration of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran marks the day when the great nation of Iran stood against global tyranny with the slogan "Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic," laying the foundation for one of the greatest transformations in contemporary history. Coinciding with the blessed months of Sha'ban, it serves as days filled with hope, pride, and dignity in Iranian history, reminding all Iranians of resistance, sacrifice, and selflessness. This victory was the result of a tremendous popular movement that bore fruit under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the unified solidarity of the Iranian nation.

The academic community, as the vanguard of science and thought, has always been at the forefront of the struggles against the oppression and corruption of the tyrannical regime. Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution, they achieved remarkable scientific and research accomplishments, elevating Islamic Iran to deserving positions on the global stage. The Islamic Revolution not only aimed to create political and social changes but also initiated a tremendous transformation in the fields of science and technology, of which we are clearly witnessing today.

Just as the Islamic Revolution is rooted in science, research, and excellence, academics must also keep pace with the great movement of the Iranian nation. On the day of 22 Bahman, with a widespread and revolutionary presence in the anniversary march of the Islamic Revolution, they should once again demonstrate their devotion to the ideals of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Islamic Revolution by establishing a new scientific and technological system.

Qom University of Technology invites all esteemed professors, students, and staff to actively and gloriously participate in this significant day alongside other segments of the Iranian nation in the 22 Bahman march, showcasing that they have always stood by the Islamic Revolution and, as pioneers of science and technology, will continue to take steps towards the advancement and elevation of our beloved country, Iran.

Jalal Rezaei Noor
President of Qom University of Technology